Hi Amanda!
Glad to make the connection. It’s been years since I taught middle school, but honestly I think it would in some ways be easier. Up here, there’s a lot of rhetoric about “gotta get ’em ready for college,” as if toxic grading practices spur kids to acquire more of the skills and knowledge they’ll need.
We have a lot of middle school types and language types in our Facebook group who post frequent questions, answers, and blog posts. If you join, you can use the search engine to look up “Spanish” or “middle school” and make a ton of connections with educators who are going gradeless in those areas.
On a related note, we’re having our first Spanish-language chat hosted by Mariana Morales Lobo and Andrea Giraldez this Sunday, March 18 at 10 CET/5 ET. English-language chats are on alternate Sundays at 9 ET.
Hope our paths cross soon!